Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Microdermabrasion and The Real World

I made an appointment for tomorrow at a spa (I've never been to one!) to get some microdermabrasion done. I've never really had any skin problems, but I have these little tiny bumps on my forehead that I can't seem to get rid of so I decided I had to take action. Also, I'm starting to get a little vain now that I'm 35. Either it's vanity or I'm just starting to worry about my skin and lines and wrinkles for the first time. Or maybe I'm just proactive. I've actually wanted to do this for awhile now, so I'm excited. We'll see if I go with one treatment or if I go for the 3 treatment deal.

In other news, I can't wait to see the Real World Reunited Las Vegas tonight. Why, I have no idea since I hated that season and it was the first time I started skipping episodes. Now I don't even watch anymore, but I'm intrigued to see these people five years later for some reason.

What I really hate about the LV season is that I blame it for how the show has devolved. It seems like it started with that season and has only gotten worse. I know twenty year old kids today aren't anymore enlightened or stupid than Gen X was in their early twenties, but if you used Real World as any kind of barometer, that's certainly what it would look like. Or something like that. Anyway, I've never understood why it's more entertaining to watch random idiots hook up in a hot tub when they've known each other mere mintues. I don't have to feel superior to a group of idiots to be entertained. It actually has the opposite effect on me because it just makes me tune out. I liked the stuff a lot of people consider boring by today's standards. But I guess the salicious and the stupid are what people go for nowadays (geez, now I really sound old, using "nowadays" and all). Although I wonder about that, because it seems everyone who ever watched RW back in the day says the same thing. Do people really go for this tripe or is this just what MTV dishes out now? I actually liked watching them go grocery shopping and exploring the city (not just the bars). Remember when they used to have house meetings and dinners together and things like that? Remember when cast members actually had lives and goals and we knew about them? If a cast member does have something interesting to show, I'm sure MTV edits that out now.

I think the reason I actually want to watch this one is because I think it won't be all hot tubs and stupid stuff this time. And yeah, I am interested in what the people who started the downfall of what was once my favorite TV show are up to a few years later. I really like Brynn and I'm interested in her storyline since she's married with two kids, but I'm sure they won't focus on her at all. Arissa, Alton, and Irulan bore me to death. They bored me five years ago and they still bore me. I have zero interest in them. Because of that, I'm sure they will be the focus of the reunion. Sigh. But I still can't wait to watch...Heh.

1 comment:

Jen said...

There's nothing wrong with a little trash tv every now and then. And when you figure in Trishelle you've got major trash tv.

Heads up, I'm going to call you tomorrow!