Thursday, May 31, 2007

Fritas and Rice Krispie Treats

So yeah, I decided to make frozen margaritas. Oh, and I tried one of those new Miller Chills. I'm a huge fan of lime. I even like it with beer. But I didn't like the Miller Chill. I guess it's kinda like tea and lemon. I like it when I add the lemon, not when it's premixed for me.

Anyway, somewhere along the way, I also decided it was a good idea to make rice krispie treats too. The good thing about it though, is that I realized the combo wouldn't be a good one. So I restrained myself after two bites (of course, it's not like it was that hard on a full stomach of liquor) and when I woke up this morning...manna from heaven I tells ya. It was awesome. For the first time in my post-20's drinking career I woke up after a night of drinking without a hangover! Wow! I just can't drink very often in my 30's because it takes an entire day to recover. Not this time though. I have no idea why. Especially since we're talking tequila here. I feel perfectly fine. It must be because I knew I'd get rice krispie treats in the morning or something.

In other inane news, I'm getting my hair done today. I'm excited because I haven't had a decent cut or color in months. The woman I go to here in Austin is great, but the guy I went to in C'dale just couldn't cut it (pardon the pun). So here's where Ima bitch about my hair so if that bores you, I suggest you stop reading right now.

Two cuts ago he put in layers that I didn't ask for and I'm still trying to grow it out. I like my swing cut, so let me stay with that! Look, I don't care if that cut is so, like five years ago. That's what's great about your thirties! If you find something that works for you, you can stick with it, momentary fads be damned! It doesn't matter if it's considered slightly out of date. Why? B/c you're not in your twenties anymore. Also, when it came to coloring, he always highlighted it several shades lighter than I wanted it. I have an olive complexion and really dark hair, but I like having carmel, not blonde highlights. This guy always took it up several notches and it always ended up looking really brassy. Way too blonde for my skin tone! Actually, I can't help but wonder if he knew exactly what he was doing. It was never sporadic highlights either, it was all over hair color! Everytime my hair slightly grew out, the roots and the contrast were awful! So, ostensibly, I'd have to run back to the hairdresser every four weeks to get a touch up, right? Not me. I'd rather run around a couple of extra (okay, four more) weeks looking like that girl that has a bad dye job and probably doesn't know any better. Well, I knew it. But it's not just the money, it's about my time too. When you have sixty hours of your week scheduled away, it's not like you want to devote 2 + hours to sitting in a chair breathing in chemicals. So yeah, this past academic year I ran around half the time looking like one of those girls that doesn't know any better. I even tried to give him the hint, well, more than a hint actually, by explaining that it was too light the previous time, that the coloring should be closer to my natural color so that the outgrowth isn't as bad, and that I don't have the time or money to run in on a monthly basis, so it's just best to go with something more subtle. Didn't seem to matter. So, this Fall when I go back to C'dale, I'm quite rightly breaking up with him (read: never calling him again). The awful thing is that I'm going to go to someone else in the same salon. Anyway, all of that was to say how happy I am that I'll be going to see Sarah today, and she always give great cuts and highlights. I also love her stories, which is also integral to being a great stylist in my opinion.

Anyway, I guess I better stop rambling and go for a walk. Yeah, I'm trying to exercise and get back in shape too. Heh. Like that will last.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Nothing really

So I planted a bunch of ground cover and some flowers this weekend. I'm really excited because we planted one tomato plant, one bunch of thyme, and a jalepeno pepper plant. Who knows, maybe I'll even end up with a couple tomatoes and a pepper or two. I usually start planting in March but since I wasn't here and J's Mom came to visit, she did a lot of planting for me. Which was really nice. Except several plants didn't make it due to all the rain we've been getting. There are a lot of bald spots that I still need to fill. Sigh.

What I can't figure out is why my first garden ever has been the best one. That was three years ago and it has never looked as good. Oh, and this garden I speak of, is actually a very, very small patio with a 1 1/2 foot perimeter of ground around the border for planting stuff. But, since it's more ground than I've ever had before (on my own) I call it my garden. Yes, you may mock me. I never thought I'd be the kind of person who has a garden or talks aobut it.

Switching gears here, I might have a few drinks tonight. J is going to a ball game in Houston and won't be back until really late, so it looks like frozen margaritas for me. Maybe. I'm still deciding. I don't know. I feel guilty. J can't really drink anymore and since I'm being supportive there's no liquor in the house anymore and I don't drink around him/in front of him. Kinda sucks for me because I like to have a drink now and then. I realize it's silly for me to feel guilty for having a drink just because he can't but I do anyway. Maybe I'll feel differently this evening after I rent a couple of DVD's and have the house to myself. We'll see.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

My first blog

So, I have no idea whether this will become a regular thing for me or not. We'll see.
Right now I'm excited because J and I will be going to Corpus Christi for the weekend in a couple of weeks. I really need to be by the ocean and I hate being landlocked.

I actually dream about getting a job teaching at a school within driving distance of the ocean.
Yeah, I know it's never gonna happen, but I like to pretend it's possible. Besides, I have two other friends that teach at university and they dream about the same thing. And, if my friends think the same thing then I can't be crazy can I?

What's really neat about Corpus is that it's right on the Gulf and there is a university there---and on an island, no less! The cost of living is pretty cheap there and the housing market is totally not insane. In fact, it's lots cheaper than in Austin. Sigh...but it's really a longshot when all your hopes are tied to one position. It's not like I'll have a ton of options for different jobs when I graduate. I'm pretty much looking at teaching comm college or university and that's really about it. Soo...looking for a job according to geography isn't really the way to go...

Okay, eff's soo boring to talk about job hunting, especially when that's a few years away. For now I'm still content to dream about teaching at a school by the ocean.