Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Snow Day!

That's right, an actual honest to god Snow Day! Supposedly, this school has only shut down twice since the "Days of May" student riots over the Kent State shootings. Today is one of them. Yesterday could've qualified as a quasi-snow day, because they cancelled night classes and I had one, but I was already there to work at the box office. The timing couldn't have been any better as I'm really sick and needed to stay home anyway.

I guess you know you've grown up when your Snow Day euphoria is tainted by the worry that the power will go out. Judging from the looks of the power lines it isn't out of the realm of possibility. My portable heater is in Chicago.

I can't open my front door and I don't own a shovel. But it's a Snow Day!

Update: I am stuck in my house, as in literally stuck. The front door won't open more than a few inches. I tried the hot water trick but it's going to take someone on the other side of the door to break the ice with a heavy duty shovel.

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