Monday, February 11, 2008

Random Fact About Me

A few years ago I emailed a video request to VH1Classic and, not only did they play my video during the request hour, they said my name three times! Once was for admonishing me for not telling them what cable station I watched them on. I figured I paid Time Warner enough every month without pimping them for free so I purposely left that info out of my email.

They emailed me back to let me know what day it would play. It's also kind of funny because there are people on the VH1Classic message board that post every single day about how mad they are that their requests never go through. Seriously, there are people that keep spreadsheets of everything they play and you can ask them, "what was the playlist on January 31st 1998?" Or, how many times have they played "Puttin' on the Ritz" by Taco? "Have they ever played the German version of 99Luftballoons?" And they would have the answer. These are not VH1 employees. Now, to be fair, I must admit wouldn't have such a great 80's video collection (20 hours worth) if weren't for them posting the playlist everyday (every show is repeated at 12 hour intervals, so after it plays the first time it's posted and then I'd know what to look out for later that day). Oh, and did you know they've never played Soft Cell's "Tainted Love" video? There's some problem over it, but yep, that's the word on the board.

So, getting back to the request: I knew there was an art to it. It couldn't be too obscure, and of course, what's the sense in requesting something like Madonna gets a lot of airtime? I requested Paul Young's "Come Back and Stay" c. 1983. I'd only seen the video once, but I had the album back in the day (yes, as in vinyl) and hadn't heard the song since grade school. I knew they'd play it, it fit the "obscure enough without being too obscure category they sometimes try to fulfill. Two weeks later, I got an email from them! How cool is that? Then I thought of those poor schmucks on the message board who faithfully email requests every week and have for years, only to be turned down each and every week. They didn't like it much when I posted my good news.

Anyway, I just had my mp3 on shuffle and it came up, thus prompting this post. Aren't you glad you read this entire post?

1 comment:

StickyKeys said...

I am glad Soph, I really am.

I'm glad they played your song, and screw them haters on the board, if they know so much about the game they'd know how to play it, heh. ;)