Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Celebrity Rehab, Random

Okay, who's as addicted to this show as I am? I tuned in because of Dr. Drew (I have a crush on him) but was afraid it might be exploitive and I couldn't imagine (or didn't want to) Dr. Drew being involved in something like that.

I know I'm an oldie, because I had no idea who Seth was. I've heard snippets of the Butterfly song, but couldn't have identified it by name or singer until now. I had to look up who he even was and youtube the song. I'd heard it plenty, but that was about it. Oh, and since I'm the only American I know that doesn't watch AI, I had no idea who Jessica Sierra was.

I'm not spoiling myself because I want to watch it without the prior knowledge of how they turn out. I'm really interested in seeing how they all turn out, especially the women. Daniel Baldwin, I could care less about, for some reason.

I'm also addicted to Scott Baio's 46 and pregnant. He might have some jerkish tendancies, but ultimately, I think all the kvetching he does is probably a good thing, or at least comes from the right place. At least it shows how seriously he takes it. Oh, and how great is the music? Pretty fecking great, seeing as I have most of the songs on my mp3.

As for school, my 101 class isn't very responsive, which makes me a sucky teacher (I have to have something to bounce off of; I can't just talk to the air) and makes it a chore to go there. It's odd too, because they seem to have the ability to think abstractly moreso than any other class I've had, but their verbal engagement vs their written engagement is really a stark contrast. My class isn't all about lecture, because it requires the student to actively participate, but they seem to want me to do all the work while they sit there and listen (or not).

I'd take it personally, but other classes have been far more interactive and, if I may say, really dug me. This bunch just sits there like bumps on a log. It's that "too cool for school" attitude---which should automatically disqualify you from college; let someone else in who really wants to be there and appreciates the opportunity. As for my homework, I have 800 pages (okay, really it was 799 to be exact) of reading this week. We won't talk about all the other crap, because reading is just one facet of the very long to-do homework list.

So there, I updated you and now you'll know why I don't mention school more than I do. Either I'd bitch or bore you.


StickyKeys said...

Hey lady! Yeah, unresponsive classes are no fun for the teacher or the other students. I'm sure there are a few in there just dying to speak up but unable to. Maybe asking more questions and making them get involved would foster more excitement about participation?

Also, I am also in love with Dr. Drew and have been since LoveLine. I want to watch Celeb Rehab (I had no idea Jessie Sierra was on!) but I have no time. I am tifauxing it in Lincoln though so maybe then? YAY!

Sophie Treadmill said...

Oh, I ask plenty of questions! Silence.

They hate an interactive classroom. I believe in no more than 20 minutes of pure lecture, if that.

I honestly think they just want to sit there passively while I connect all the dots for them.
Sorry, it's not my job to connect the dots for you. That's why you're supposed to be here.

From here on, it's all group work, all the time. From the top of class to the end...I don't believe in spoon feeding answers,and that's all this group wants me to do.

By this point in the semester, I knew the majority of my student's names in all my other classes.
I know a handful of names with this bunch. It's pitiful. The lack of engagement and curiosity
is something I have very little tolerance for.

I also try a variety of approaches so that verbal, written, visual learners each have a way to engage...but nada. I really feel like doing the whole "we gotta talk about your lack of participation" thing.

The thing is, all classrooms have personalities and it's not something I can be solely responsible for. If we all hate going there...there's 50 of them and one of me. Granted, I bear more responsibility than any one student, but...collectively speaking, the onus is on them to make it an interesting place to go. I can ask the questions, but they have to respond to make it interesting.

You must watch CR so we can discuss it!!

Chris said...

So I've been hearing a lot about this "Dr Drew" lately, so I googlezed him and...

I'm guessing this is a "personality" thing right?

Jen said...

I expected Celebrity Rehab to be complete and total sleaze but I've been pleasantly suprised by how non-sleazy the whole show has been. I never feel like it's making fun of the celebrities for their addictions but it's doing a good job of showing how not glamerous and yucky it all is. Oh, and Dr Drew in a black t-shirt and jeans? Yum.

Maybe the reason you don't care about Whatshisname Baldwin is because he's a total slimeball. And not in a "I'm an addict and I'm lying about it to myself and everyone else" kind of way but in a "I'm basically a gross person" kind of way. I wonder what kind of pictures of himself he was sending to that porn star because that's just nasty.