Thursday, February 14, 2008

Oh, another one of those damn survey posts

Ganked from Le Monk Seal, by way of Le Sticky. by way of AJ.

1. Spell your name without an E,R,S,H,K,I,M,L,C,A,Y,N.
Can't be done.

2. Are you single? No.

3. What is your favorite number?
I'm not doing the 1-10 thing, so it's 222, because that number keeps recurring throughout my life.

4. What is your favorite color? Depends on what we're talking about. Clothes: earthtones....Actually, I guess I prefer earthtones all the way around.

5. Least favorite color? I'll gank AJ's and say hot pink and add peach and baby blue to the mix as well.

6. What are you listening to?
Um, does "That Smell" by Lynyrd Skynyrd playing in my head count?

7. Are you happy with your life right now? I guess, I'm busy (yes, despite the fact that I'm wasting time while I enjoy the beginnings of a migraine) but I am doing something I want to do. I just wish it were less stressful.

8. Are you involved with anyone? Yes.

9. What is your favorite subject in school? I'd have to say Theatre History, since that is my area of focus.

10.Do you shop at Abercrombie?No, but I appreciate the half-naked models in their stores. *I'll keep AJ's response intact since I share the same sentiment.

11. Do you have money?Heh. No. *Ha! Yet another area where AJ and I are of two minds.

12. Would you take an ex back:? No, not because of animosity or anything. It's just that grunge was in the last time I was with anyone besides Jeff.

13. Are you outgoing? Depends on the situation.

14. Are you gay? Only when I'm drunk. Kidding. No.

15. Where do you wish you were right now? Haleiwa

16. What should you be doing right now? Grading, reading, research, writing.

Can you blow a bubble? Why are only some of these questions numbered? *Yeah, what AJ said. Yes, I can blow a bubble.

Can you do a cart wheel? No, and it is the bane of my existence.

Can you touch your toes? Yes.

Can you wiggle your ears? No, and I wouldn't want to.

Can you touch your tongue to your nose? Yes.


Did you ever want to be a doctor? Nope.

Did you ever want to be a fire fighter? Nope.

Did you ever want to be a teacher? Yes I did and I am.

Did you vote for Bush? Aw, Hell to the Naw!


Do you like rollercoasters? Love them. Hate the lines.

Do you own a bike? Can't remember the last time I owned a bike. Junior High?

Do you play the lotto? Once in awhile. Gotta get that dream home in Haleiwa somehow.

Do you like football? It's too complicated for me to understand.

Do you have a shopping addiction?I can't afford one, but I dream of the day when I will. *I'm ganking AJ's here too.

Does your family have family picnics? No.

Does your wallet have any pics in it? My student ID.

Does your job bring you satisfaction?Sometimes.
Does a soft answer turn away wrath? I wish.
Does sex mean love? 'cha riiight.

Last person you hung out with? Saturday night Jeff and I went to PK's and The Cellar.

Last car ride? My friend/officemate David gave me a ride home since I can't drive my car until the rear windshield gets fixed.

Last text message? Sticky and JaLinda both wished me a Happy Valentine's Day at the same time!

Last baby you held? I honestly can't remember, and even though I don't want any of my own, I love love love holding babies. They're sooo kewt! No really! Stop looking at me that way!

Last time you shaved? Sunday
What was the last thing you bought? I ordered a spinach, garlic, and pepperoncini pizza from Pagliai's. Mmmm.

last thing you had to drink? Orange Juice.

What was the last thing you watched? Celebrity Rehab.

Last thing you read? A book on the Salem Witch Trials for my Historiography class.

What was the last thing you hand wrote? a paper for my historiography class.

THE WHOS: who was the last person you talked to? Jeff

Who was the last person you took a picture of? Jeff

Who was the last person to leave you a comment? Stix

What color shirt are you wearing? Maroon. Go Salukis!

any tattoos? No.

Have you any piercings? Navel and ears

Straight hair or curly? I have a short, Bed-headish kind of 'do.

Where are you? On my couch waiting for the Nyquil to kick in.


Failed a class?No.

Professed your love and been turned down?No. Thank God.

Accomplished a life goal? For reals, I have to say the same as AJ here, because I grew up in about the most backwoods, country bumpkin place there could be---you know it's backwards if it doesn't have a Wal-Mart, a stoplight, or a McDonald's---a town of less than 1000 with the nearest big city 3 hours away. I think just getting out of there is an accomplishment.

Sang in front of a crowd? Hell no. They don't make liquor that strong.

1. Candles
2. Shoes
3. Jewelry
4. Flannel PJ pants
5. SIU/Saluki paraphenalia
6. make-up
7. Hair products

1. In a relationship? Yes

2. Want a relationship? Yes.

3. Wanna get married? Been living in sin for a dozen years now, but I don't rule anything out. I don't really care one way or the other.

Four things on your mind:

1. When will the goddammned ice melt? It won't because what little melted today is supposed to come back tomorrow.

2. Can I ever get back to my old weight?

3. Can I just have a week that doesn't have a mile-long to-do list?

4. How will my 24 hour review go? (where all the members of my dissertation committee get together, while I sit there being interrogated by 5 people to scare the crap out of me.)

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