Friday, July 20, 2007

Is it absurd?

Is it absurd to think of Lindsay Lohan, Britney Spears, and Paris Hilton on the Wonder Years? Because I think it is.

Yes, the Wonder Years, as in Kevin Arnold. As in Ken Topolsky. As in quality, substance, multi-dimensional. As in many more adjectives I won't waste, because it's not necessary.

Someone on a message board in a Wonder Years thread actually suggested and I quote:

In another thread I once entertained the idea of any of Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, and Lindsay Lohan joining the cast as add-ons. I think if they had some experience on this show they would have ended up all right and be positive role models. Danica McKellar (or any of the girls on the show, for that matter) never released a controversial tape, shaved her head, boozed, or did anything to wind up in rehab.

Just some food for thought!

It's that last sentence that really takes the cake. I actually looked at their posting history because I was sure they had to be joking, but to my chagrin, no. Look, I've gotta get to bed here so I can't stay and renumerate the idiocy while simultaneously bitching, ripping to shreds, and finger pointing in the manner that this properly deserves. So I'm gonna type as fast as I can. Yes, yes we all know with the Internetz blah blahcakes. Believe me, I know what the Internet is, I get it. I take full responsibility for my own petty here. However, I'm granting myself the privilege to be slack-jawed, irked, and wide-eyed at this. But I seriously wonder about the mentality of people out there. Never mind IQ or personal taste. I'm talking mentality here. What kind of mentality does it take to suggest the above? It's actually quite humorous, I realize and I get that. But not in the way the poster intended. I usually don't get caught up in Internet BS, but I had to respond even though I know full well the site isn't really about the critical analysis, and I couldn't let other posters agree before I pointed out the absurdity, in a nice way. Even if others completely ignored my post and agreed with the idea of a triumvirate of vapid on the WY, I had to have my thoughts out there, just hanging about, swaying in the breeze. I just said, yes, they should've been given something constructive to do, but I don't think there's something intrinsic to the WY that made the difference between Danica McKellar and Hilton, Spears, Lohan, el al. It was longer than that, but I'll spare you.

Yes, I'm perfectly aware of the petty in me and why talk to a brick wall. No one on this site seems to get into fights, so I felt I could respond with a different opinion without it turning into a clusterfuck, so there is that at least. But, why engage with someone that would earnestly suggest such a thing? I know! I just couldn't let it hang out there on the Internetz without a response. I'd love to have been obnoxious about it, but I wasn't. Hell, I was even nice enough to say something involving the words "maybe" "Lohan" and "Prairie Home Companion." Sigh.

No, this wasn't TWOP.

On second thought, I'd love to see Dan Lauria tell Paris she couldn't go out and give Britney one of his classic looks when she says something incredibly uninformed.

Maybe it was genius after all!


Sophie Treadmill said...

Oh, what the hell. Here's my response, in full:

So, you're saying maybe if Lohan, Hilton, Spears, et al had been on WY they might not have turned out the way they did? Hmmm...who knows, it's possible. I'm just cracking up at the idea of them on the show, though. Maybe Lohan could do it (she was pretty good in Prairie Home Companion), I just don't see the other two as capable of handling roles on this show, even if in a tertiary sense. I just don't think they have the acting chops required for what I consider to be a quality sitcom with stellar writing. I just don't see much substance in these girls, which is sad.

Maybe Danica McKeller ended up the way she did because of who she is internally and the values she was raised with. I don't think it was something intrinsic to WY itself, or that it was something in the water, so to speak.

But I do agree wholeheartedly, maybe if the party girls like Lohan, etc had been given something more constructive to do and perhaps been given some guidance and values, they would have been better off.

ETA: Now you've got me wanting to see what they would look like in the wardrobe though! Hee! The possibilities are rather amusing! I do think Paris can be funny at times, though. I'll give her that. I even think she can be endearing, at times. But that's for another thread!
I think I was far too nice and measured in my response.

Sophie Treadmill said...

Yes, the above was my response on the message board. Far too giving. Tsk. Tsk. Far too giving on my part.

StickyKeys said...

I do the exact same thing, be too nice on the boards and stew about it later, though as long as it was well said it's all good. I swear I wouldn't even know what to do with a post like that, just keep scrolling I assume.

Sophie Treadmill said...

Well, see now, that would've been the appropriate and sane response, accompanied by a look of horror, of course.

Jen said...

As a lover of WY and a hater of nearly all things and people message board related I just have to say that you handled that a lot better than I would have.

Sophie Treadmill said...

I tried really hard not to insult the poster (which I didn't) but the main goal was to get across the idea "you do realize you're talking about apples and oranges here, don't you? You do realize there's a difference between vapid party girls and acting on a critically-acclaimed series, don't you?"

I started thinking of other equivalents to his suggestion. It would be like wondering why they couldn't have hired Jessica Lange and Sam Shepard to play the parents on 90210. It would be like wondering why Woody Allen doesn't audition for AI since he plays a clarinet and all. Or maybe he could just try out for Project Greenlight while he's at it. Can we David Lynch to direct a Dawson's Creek reunion? Just some food for thought. Cripes!

Chris said...

And on the other hand Marilyn Manson was in The Wonder Years and he turned out evil so...

Food for thought there as well.

Sophie Treadmill said...

Touche, my friend, touche.