Sunday, August 19, 2007

Trailer Fabulous!

Okay, so the move was just as fun as anticipated, but I can say without irony that I LOVE LOVE LOVE my 70's doublewide trailer. I'm pretty sure it's newer than that, but it has a decidedly 70's vibe to it. It has tons of storage and built-ins as well as a garden tub! Oh! And it has a washer and dryer (last year I had to haul ass to the communal laundry room)! How very eleventy-worthy! Scoff if you will, but I'd rather live in a doublewide trailer than a cramped apartment with painted over cinder blocks like last year. And how convenient that both bedrooms have built in drawers for well, your drawers and stuff. The built-in drawers run the length of the room, so however many chests of drawers that equals. Since it's hard to split up furniture between Texas and Illinois, I don't bring furniture with me to the 'Dale, so I really need all the storage I can get. Over the drawers is a faux marble tabletop that runs the length of the rooms. The one in the master bedroom also has a built-in vanity area, which is another great thing for me because I hate standing up to do my hair and make-up. I even have storage in the master bath and over the washer/dryer. For someone that's had an apt that didn't even have kitchen cabinets, one single closet that was probably 3 feet by 2 feet, and no oven and two burner tops that didn't work (when I was in Alabama), I am doubly thankful for storage. Plus I grew up in a cramped house, so I've always appreciated storage, space, and actual countertops in a kitchen.

Okay, so I don't love the sliding mirror doors on the closets and I know the wood paneling will be oppressive (I grew up with it and it's always felt like something of an achievement to have gotten away from that when I grew up and moved out) but other than that, I am so happy. My landlord also said he's going to bring over a butcher's table and chairs for the dining area, so yippee! More flat space to put all my research projects on. I'll eat at the coffee table, like all civilized people should do.

The best part? I didn't realize I'd have a garden tub! I had one in an apt Jeff and I lived in, but that was 5 years ago. When I looked at this trailer last spring it was junked up with stacks of crap everywhere, so I didn't realize it would be this big. gets better, I have two bathrooms and that too was a complete surprise! I guess there were a lot things stacked up against that door, so the landlord didn't even show it. Do you know how awesome it is to realize your new place has even more storage and space and bathrooms than you thought? It reminds me of those dreams where you dream you are in your house but you discover new rooms. I've heard that's a common dream for people to have, and I've had a few of these myself. Oh, and I really don't pay very much for all of this either since a low cost of living is one of the upsides to living in the sticks. I paid more for far less last year. Hell, I don't care, I'll just tell you that it costs $400. No roommate. All mine. I have storage I'm not even using!

Oh, and compared to last year's move in the stifling heat and humidity up four flights of steps and then a complete maze just to get to my apartment, this is a dream. Also, I had to pay for parking last year only to have assholes park in my space all the time since it was across the street from campus (*remind me to post about the time I went off on someone*). Now, I have a gravelled parking space right next to my trailer. Oh, and there is a fabulous, big deck to go with this abode. No wobbly 3-stair dealies here (if you've been to/lived in many trailers you'll know what I'm talking about). Just bringing in groceries is going to be way easier.

I am a little bit worried about the fetid pond next to me. Critter and varmint-wise, that can't be good. But hey, did I mention I have storage out the wazoo, built-in dressers and bookcase, and a garden tub and a second bathroom I didn't even know I had?


StickyKeys said...

Sounds very awesome. My friend used to have a trailor very similar to that. I wish I could type more, but I have been so insanely busy! I'm glad things are going well and falling into place and doing what they need to do to not make you go crazy.

And a garden tub!

StickyKeys said...

ps. You've been tagged!

Jen said...

The trailer sounds awesome! I'm jealous of the second bathroom and all the storage. Sounds like it's a perfect place for you. (Sorry I didn't respond to this sooner but for some reason it just showed up in my reader today.)