Monday, August 13, 2007

School Days, School Days, Dear Old Golden Rule Days.

So why can't school start after Labor Day? I've only heard of this concept on TV or in the 50's and 60's when my Mom went to school. Is it just my piss-poor luck that out of seven total schools I've never had an academic year start after LD? Really, I'd like to know when school started/starts for you---doesn't matter whether it's grade school, college or what. I just wanna know if there are any lucky bastards out there that get to start after Labor Day? I just realized, I'm entering the 19th grade, and I've never had the pleasure of starting after Labor Day.

School has always started the third week of August, and in southern Illinois terms, that's the worst timing possible. The humidity is far worse there than anywhere I've been, Alabama and Louisiana included. No kidding. A group of people I know just got back from New Orleans and the humidity wasn't as bad there as it was in southern Ill. Anyone who's lived in SI can tell you that for a fact. No one gets it or believes it until they come here for the summer. BTW, we're talking Ill/KY border here, 6 hours south of Chicago. Just thought I'd throw that in, because it's irritating as fuck when someone asks how close is it to Chicago. Anyway, I better go before I start complaining about my 14 hour trip, the move, the fact that I have to be at work before I can actually start moving, and how all that converges to make me wanna bitch, moan, cry, complain, and pout. I read an article today on MSN that said complaining makes things worse, so I guess I better go before I do any of that. ; -)


Ferdinand the Duck said...

Complaining makes everything worse than what? Bottling it up? Pffft. I say complain.

Also, I've never started school before Labour Day. I'm pretty sure that when I was in university (all of three years ago), classes started on the Thursday after Labour Day and we used to complain because most other schools didn't start until the following Monday. I've never heard of classes starting in August. I guess it's an American thing?

Sophie Treadmill said...

Oh, believe me, you'll get plenty of complaining once the semester starts. It's going to be a very long and brutal year, according to my job assignments in the dept. Very long weeks. Don't you worry.

CharmingDriver said...

Until about 9th grade, we always started the week before Labor Day (like the Thursday or Friday), then had a three day weekend. First it was moved up to like the third week of August, then earlier and earlier until where it is now with kids starting school (IN MISSISSIPPI - IN AUGUUUUUUUUUUST) the first week of August. Brutal!

StickyKeys said...

For some reason we always went back in August for a week, had a week off because of labor day, and then went back. It was crazy.

One girl went on this rampage about wanting year round schooling and tried to get everyone to sign a petition.

She was a special girl.

Sophie Treadmill said...

At my neice's school, they actually do that. I think it's two months on, two months off, consecutively or something similar. I've always wondered if that works better or worse for parents?

lainewinter said...

We went back to school today. Chicago Public Schools don't go back until after Labor Day, at least, the year I worked there they started sometime in September.
If we had year round school I would quit and work at Wendy's or something.