Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Nothing really

So I planted a bunch of ground cover and some flowers this weekend. I'm really excited because we planted one tomato plant, one bunch of thyme, and a jalepeno pepper plant. Who knows, maybe I'll even end up with a couple tomatoes and a pepper or two. I usually start planting in March but since I wasn't here and J's Mom came to visit, she did a lot of planting for me. Which was really nice. Except several plants didn't make it due to all the rain we've been getting. There are a lot of bald spots that I still need to fill. Sigh.

What I can't figure out is why my first garden ever has been the best one. That was three years ago and it has never looked as good. Oh, and this garden I speak of, is actually a very, very small patio with a 1 1/2 foot perimeter of ground around the border for planting stuff. But, since it's more ground than I've ever had before (on my own) I call it my garden. Yes, you may mock me. I never thought I'd be the kind of person who has a garden or talks aobut it.

Switching gears here, I might have a few drinks tonight. J is going to a ball game in Houston and won't be back until really late, so it looks like frozen margaritas for me. Maybe. I'm still deciding. I don't know. I feel guilty. J can't really drink anymore and since I'm being supportive there's no liquor in the house anymore and I don't drink around him/in front of him. Kinda sucks for me because I like to have a drink now and then. I realize it's silly for me to feel guilty for having a drink just because he can't but I do anyway. Maybe I'll feel differently this evening after I rent a couple of DVD's and have the house to myself. We'll see.


Jen said...

I so go for it, have a drink. It's nice to have one once in a while to relax. In fact, I think I'm going to have one. What I won't be doing though is gardening. I envy anyone with the ability to grow things and not kill them instantly.

StickyKeys said...

I blame global warming. And I won't be gardening because my thumb is black and kills things instead of green and bringing life.

Good luck with that though ;)