Thursday, May 24, 2007

My first blog

So, I have no idea whether this will become a regular thing for me or not. We'll see.
Right now I'm excited because J and I will be going to Corpus Christi for the weekend in a couple of weeks. I really need to be by the ocean and I hate being landlocked.

I actually dream about getting a job teaching at a school within driving distance of the ocean.
Yeah, I know it's never gonna happen, but I like to pretend it's possible. Besides, I have two other friends that teach at university and they dream about the same thing. And, if my friends think the same thing then I can't be crazy can I?

What's really neat about Corpus is that it's right on the Gulf and there is a university there---and on an island, no less! The cost of living is pretty cheap there and the housing market is totally not insane. In fact, it's lots cheaper than in Austin. Sigh...but it's really a longshot when all your hopes are tied to one position. It's not like I'll have a ton of options for different jobs when I graduate. I'm pretty much looking at teaching comm college or university and that's really about it. Soo...looking for a job according to geography isn't really the way to go...

Okay, eff's soo boring to talk about job hunting, especially when that's a few years away. For now I'm still content to dream about teaching at a school by the ocean.


Jen said...

Hey! I just found this through my site meter! I'm your first commenter ever! Does that make up for me being lame and not calling you?

Sophie Treadmill said...

Heh! You're so not lame! I think we've both been really busy. I just moved back to Texas for the summer and am getting settled back in.

How have you been? It sounds like you're doing okay from your blog.

Chris said...

See, teaching at a school by the ocean would be cool, but what would be even cooler would be teaching at a school underneath the ocean...

Ferdinand the Duck said...

How excellent! Congrats on popping your blog cherry! Or maybe a less gross metaphor.

StickyKeys said...

If you build it, they will come...

Hi Sophie! Add me (!

Congrats on having a blog.

Jen said...

Can I still reach you at the same #?