Friday, May 9, 2008

The Semester is Over!

Woo to the Hoo! The semester is officially over! I turned in the last of my papers yesterday and I just handed in my grades for 101. I am so happy to be done. This was a particularly brutal semester. So much work and I can't believe I am finally done.

My historiography teacher had a party at her house last night. I really enjoyed being with people outside of my own department because we are so busy we usually don't get the chance to hang out with other people very often. Anyway, we turned in our papers at her house and she provided all the alcohol and food. It was awesome. She lives on a lake and has the most gorgeous view I've ever seen. Afterward, I went with some of my classmates to a bar and drank some more. When I woke up this morning I only had a slight hangover which quickly dissipated.

This summer I am staying in Carbondale to teach 101 and am taking two classes. One is a professional scholarly writing class where we come to class with a paper already written that we want to work to submit for publication. The goal is turn your paper into something that will get published. Since I'm at the point that I need to start publishing, I'm really glad a class is offered that addresses this issue. Most doc programs expect you to take care of all the stuff that goes into getting something accepted and get published in your "free" time, so it's great to get course credit for something we're expected to do anyway.

The other class I'm taking is dramaturgy which is my focus area of study in theatre---I'm actually theatre history and dramaturgy as they kind of go hand in hand with one another. I've never actually had a real dramaturgy class so I'm excited.

I'm most excited to report that I'm losing weight! 5 lbs so far, but I know I'm really going to do it this time. I've lost weight before, so I know it's possible. I lost 40 pounds back in '96 and managed to keep it off for about 10 years, so I've never yo-yo'd. I've put most of it on since grad school. A little of it was creeping up on me before I started, but I was really small to begin with, so I looked okay, but then I kept gaining...Anyway, I really want to get back to where I was when I really didn't worry about how my clothes looked because I looked okay no matter what style I wore. What freedom that was. When I picked out clothes the only criteria (besides cost, of course) was whether I liked it or not, I didn't have to worry that something would make me look bigger and everything always fit.

I am also sooo excited to have the time to clean my house! No, I say that without irony. Really.


StickyKeys said...

SOPHIE! Hi! How are you sweetie? I will really try my best to be in touch with you. I'm still recovering from the effing plague that's kept niggling me for the past almost month... sigh. Stay well!

StickyKeys said...