Wednesday, January 23, 2008

RIP Heath, You Will Be Missed

I can't believe the news about Heath Ledger. I was visiting a message board to keep up with the Britney saga, and noticed his thread was staying consistently at the top. I figured either he was dating someone new or something had happened, but I never thought about something like this. I just ignored it, because that board is rather vitriolic toward anyone who's a celeb for any reason. Also, I'm not that interested in clicking on photos or that much celeb news for that matter, so I just never gave it two thoughts.

I don't think a celeb death has been this shocking since River Phoenix. I still miss River. I find it hard to watch his films (I highly recommend Dogfight with Lily Taylor) and have never been able to enjoy My Own Private Idaho because that film looks like the beginning of the end for him. There was something missing from him in that one, compared to the others. Maybe it was a certain sparkle or naivete, but whatever it was, there was definitely something darker about River in that film.

Anyway, back to Heath. I never clicked on his thread, but found out hours later that night when I turned on my computer and it was on the MSN homepage. I kept saying "No, No, No" over and over again. I just want them to take it back. It doesn't seem real at all. When someone dies this suddenly, it just takes me aback. It's hard to process.

Yes, I realize I never knew him, but I reserve the right to be freaked out and sound stupid in my blog. His poor family. He was so young; he was someone's son, someone's brother as well as being someone's Dad and boyfriend.

I know it's selfish, but I hope I can still enjoy 10 Things I Hate About You. It's sorta been my "go to" movie when I want something light, but good to de-stress. I think I have watched that movie more than any other since I started school here. Anyway, I can't get that scene out of my head where he was seranading Julia Stiles.

RIP, Heath. You will be missed.

1 comment:

StickyKeys said...

You know, River was a bit out of my generation, so when I saw him in MOPI it's how I'd always imagined him to be. I'll have to check out some of his earlier stuff now.

It's so sad about Heath. Someone sooo young just out like a light. I also feel for those that knew and loved him. He'll surely be missed.